
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How-to Leave Great Comments on Beauty Blogs

This is one of those posts that no blogger ever wants to write or bring attention to, but it has to be done.

 Lately I've bee noticing a lot of comments being left on posts that consist of "Nice post! _______ my blog link" or things like "Cool! Check out my blog? Follow back?"

I guess it just really hits home and hurts my feelings when I see things such as this because I put hours into my blog every day, whether its taking pictures, meticulously editing to make sure my writing is perfect, or just sitting in my bed thinking of new posts. So when someone is so blatantly rude to come on a post I've spent my time constructing and advertises their own blog I get really upset.

Sometimes people will leave really thought out comments that show they've spent the time reading what I've posted, but still ruin it by leaving a link to their blog. I'm not sure if I'm the only one who knows this, but anyone can access your blog from clicking on your profile picture. So in essence, there's no need to leave an actual link in your comment.

I'm willing to bet lots of other bloggers feel this way about commenters leaving links, but at the risk of sounding rude either just delete the comment or don't respond to the parts that are asking "Check out my blog?" "Follow back?" because I've know I've done it for a long time.

I do my best to leave up every single comment because everyone has the right to express themselves (and I've been lucky enough to only have had one hateful comment in almost 2 years of running this blog) but I just can't help feeling sad every time I see a new one pop up.

I don't write this blog for anyone else but me, I love putting my thoughts on beauty products out on the internet. I've tried to stop blogging for a few weeks (school reasons), and all I do is constantly think about is what I'm going to blog about next. I write reviews that I know I would love to read and would find helpful when researching a new product!

I think I just need to suck it up and start deleting every comment that includes a link to a blog. And by that I don't mean delete the comments that are linking me to a post to show me something, that is totally okay.

 Even though there has been a flood of self-promoting commenters lately, don't think I forget about all you lovely people who take the time to say something thoughtful to me! If you honestly want to get noticed by a blogger, leave them a comment showing them you've read the details of their post.

I think all bloggers will agree with me when I say I notice those people the most, and I'm definitely going to check out your blog after you've so thoughtfully read mine and took the time out of your day to show me that. That's how I find out about so many fantastic blogs!

I just don't see any point in leaving a comment on a post if you're not going to actually mention anything from the content. If you want to self-promote, do it the right way and use blatant ads, my newest post is not an ad and I won't allow people to try and use it for their own self gain.

Since I'm just listing the things not to do, I thought it would be good for me to do a little how-to on leaving a good comment.

How-to Leave Great Comments on Beauty Blogs:
  1. READ: There's no reason you should ever leave a comment unless you've read someone's post, otherwise what are you doing?!
  2. APPRECIATE: When you were reading the post did you love that the blogger included all the ingredients, a description of the product from the companies website, a variety of clear and crisp photos, links to where you can get the product? Tell them that! No beauty blogger will ever get tired of hearing that you enjoyed the work we put into composing a post.
  3. TYPE: When typing up your comment, make sure to pull details from the post. Did the beauty blogger think the product was too shimmery, not pigmented enough, the wrong color for their skin tone? Did you disagree or agree with anything they said? Point it out! Make sure you check your spelling and grammar as well before you send your comment, nobody wants to be confused when reading your comment!
  4. CHECK BACK: I know on my blog I make sure to always reply to every comment, and a lot of other bloggers do that as well. Its a great way to strike up a conversation with a blogger and get noticed the right way, because you've genuinely read the post and want to talk about it.
This post isn't meant to offend anyone, if you're content with leaving your blog link in all your comments then by all means keep doing it. I just feel the way I do about it, I get offended. Just because I feel a certain way about this subject doesn't mean another blogger won't be okay with it. But I think from now on I'm just going to delete the ones that upset me and hopefully someone will gain something from this post!


  1. Well said! I think it's cool that you are willing to be honest and upfront about what bothers you. Personally, when people leave links in their comments, I just ignore it. If they have posted a really thoughtful comment and their blog link happens to be part of their signature, I'll click on it, but if it's a one word response then LINK, or 'follow me and I'll follow you' then I won't. I do not understand 'follow for follow' things, not my style.
    S xx

    1. Ha its so funny you just left me a comment, I sent you a ranting email :) xx

    2. Just got it there! Replied ;)
      S xx

  2. I really liked this post! As a new blogger I knew I would never ask people to follow me and I can hands up say I've never done it. But I have however left my link in a comment and I guess I didn't think it mattered and it was only annoying when people would beg for followers but I guess if someone wanted to look at your blog, like you said, they would just click your name wouldn't they?! this was a really honest and up front post, love it :) thank you for being a blogger that actually practices what they preach. your comment on my last post were so lovely and definitely a comment that lets me know you really read and enjoy my post. glad to have found your blog! xo

    1. Lydia dear you are so sweet :) See if you leave your link after a heartfelt comment I don't think its nearly as terrible as just being like "Cool! Here's my blog:". It just always seems like an unnecessary thing because like I mentioned your blog is just a profile click away!
      Your comment is really touching and I love that someone actually liked this post!

  3. Great post! Follow me back? :P

    Just kidding!

    I hate those type of comments too. I'll be like YES! NEW COMMENT! And then its someone advertising their blog which I have absolutely no interest in.
    I've been following your blog for a while now (I cant even remember how long) and I appreciate all the effort you put into it, as well as when you post reviews and hauls of american goodies that I love but cant get in Australia! :)

    1. Haha oh Krissy, I was waiting for someone to make that joke ;)!

      THAT'S EXACTLY HOW I FEEL. I don't think I'll ever be at the point where I'm NOT excited to see a new comment, but now I'm cautious because sometimes I need to delete those people who feel the need to use me for advertising.

      You've always been one of the first people I remember actually getting involved with my blog and commenting, kinda sentimental to me :)
      Your comment really made me smile, its so nice to hear that you like what I do!

      ps Girl if you ever need someone to send you American goodies which are like less than half of what they charge in Australia (though I'm glad companies like Illamasqua are stepping up!) you just tell me and I'd be happy to pick up items you want and ship it out, I'm sure it would be leagues cheaper even with shipping :)

  4. Read your post, absolutely agree. I get a lot of these "Great post! Follow me back! LINK HERE" type comments. I just don't let them through. But it does get on my nerves to have to keep marking them as spam. And this is even when, in my comment box section, I already note that comments with soliciting links will be deleted. Haha.

    1. Yeah I regret keeping a lot of the comments on my posts that do have those sort of things in them, I need to just suck it up and delete anything that makes me sad.
      Exactly!! I have a little blurb "All comments are welcome but please be respectful and don't leave a link to your blog, anyone can find it by just clicking on your profile, and be sure to check back as I always try my best to reply!" where you're supposed to leave the comments, and I'm starting to think everyone just blows right by it!

  5. OMG I totally agree with this post!! It's so frickin annoying! I just delete them. How rude "/

    1. I think we bloggers need to start pointing it out, maybe people just don't know it affects us so much!

  6. Boggles my mind how everyone adds links when as you mentioned- just click on their pic or name and takes you right to their blog. Great post

  7. Amen!!! You know what I have been dealing with this same thing. It has been happening a lot more and one of my posts only got these type of comments. I agree how frustrating it is when you put the time in it! Wow this really was an excellent post. So happy I found your blog. Would you mind if I link your post on my blog? Btw nice to meet you I'm Carly :)

    1. Haha Hi Carly! Sure thing dear, you can link whatever you want :) xx

  8. I entirely agree. If I love a post I also love reading the comments people have made, just like I read both your post and all the comments on it just now. I think it is interesting to see what everyone has to say! So, I really hate it when I go to read the comments and it is just a list of people going 'follow me!'. Whyyyyyyy? It is just selfish and detrimental for everybody who wants to enjoy blogging and reading blogs to the full. Thank you so much for writing this post and do keep deleting the comments that are literally just a link :) xo

  9. I really couldn't agree more with what you wrote in this post =)
    I'm sometimes really sad when I get a comment with follow me back or something like that, this really is not a way to get noticed by a blogger!
    But on the other hand, it happened to me a few times, that a blogger didn't have a link to bog in profile, so I missed a few blogs I'd love to read, and I still love reading them =). Because of this I decided to make a page on my blog where all blogger can leave links to their blogs, it was great, because I really found some more gorgeous blogs to read, also other girls were able to promote their blogs with my permission and help =). Just only 2 days after this post and page I got a comment with follow me back in another post. I was REALLY angry! I mean, if she really wants my attention, why couldn't she read my page saying: Do you have a blog?. Usually when I find an interesting blog I really check it out. I check all the pages(especialy the one with WL) and at least 3 months of posts =). If a blog is really interesting I sometimes come to the end no matter if is't been written for 5 years =)

    I'm really sorry for such a long comment =)

    1. Don't apologize for a long comment, I love reading them!
      Its good that you allow people to leave links because you get something out of it! But I just get so annoyed at the people who say "Cool post!" and then put their link. Its a little different if its a heart felt comment with a link. But again, none of it is needed because you can always find the blog of the person who commented just by clicking their profile!


All comments are welcome but please be respectful and don't leave a link to your blog, anyone can find it by just clicking on your profile, and be sure to check back as I always try my best to reply!